WAJEHLA DUBAY-WOMAN SPEAKING Aboriginal Women’s Essays, Stories and Poems by Josephine Appo, Selena Bekue, Mandy Brown, Marny Chisolm, Diedrie Currie, Juanita Harris, Jill Parsons and Joyce Summers



Wajehla Dubay is a powerful and revealing collection of stories wrtitten by Aboriginal woman. The words and images in this book convey much more than the individual writing of the woman who have contributed stories ,poems, drawings. To read Wajehla Dubay is to discover what it is to be an Aboriginal woman – her past, her present and her hope for the future.

Keeaira Press, 1997, cardcover, 48 pages, printed on coated art paper, illustrations
ISBN 0-646-34104-9 (Old stock in mint condition)